Enjoy a fun-filled day in support of WashU Athletics!

Monday, June 9, 2025
Meadowbrook Country Club

10:30 a.m. Registration
11:00 a.m. Buffet Lunch
12:00 p.m. Shotgun Start
5:00 p.m.   Dinner Reception & Awards

Fair market value is $186 per participant. The remaining amount of your registration fee is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. This cost covers green and cart fees, lunch, awards, and dinner. 

Contact for registration:

1st Participant

2nd Participant

3rd Participant

4th Participant


Title Sponsor - $18,000.00

  • Acknowledgement as title sponsor and logo on tournament website, press release and all communication.
  • Prominent signage/logo displayed day of tournament on all carts, at driving range and on nine holes.
  • Recognition as longest drive contest sponsor.
  • Two foursomes - 18 holes of golf and tournament gift for each participating golfer.
  • Attend and present at the Annual Scholar - Champion Awards Celebration.
  • Half page advertisement in the 2025 football game day program (five games).
  • Half page advertisement in the 2025-26 men's and women's basketball yearbooks.
  • Acknowledgement on the back of all football tickets.

National Championship Sponsor - $10,000.00

  • Prominent signage/logo displayed day of tournament on all carts, at driving range, and on nine holes.
  • Prominent acknowledgment on all communication.
  • Two foursomes - 18 holes of golf and tournament gift for each participating golfer.
  • Recognition as longest drive contest sponsor.
  • Logo on tournament website and press release.

All-American Sponsor - $5,000.00

  • Logo displayed day of tournament on carts, at putting green, and exclusively on one hole.
  • One foursome  - 18 holes of golf and tournament gift for each participating golfer.
  • Recognition as closest to the pin contest sponsor.
  • Logo on tournament website and press release.

Dinner Sponsor - $5,000.00

  • Logo displayed day of tournament on carts, at dinner, and exclusively on one hole.
  • One foursome  - 18 holes of golf and tournament gift for each participating golfer.
  • Logo on tournament website and press release.

Lunch Sponsor - $3,500.00

  • Logo displayed day of tournament at the lunch.
  • One foursome - 18 holes of golf and tournament gift for each participating golfer.
  • Logo on tournament website.

Gift Sponsor - $3,500.00

  • Logo displayed day of tournament at gift pick up.
  • One foursome - 18 holes of golf and tournament gift for each participating golfer.
  • Logo on tournament website.

Teammate Sponsor - $2,700.00

  • One foursome - 18 holes of golf and tournament gift for each participating golfer.
  • Name or logo displayed at one hole.
  • Name listed on tournament website.

Hospitality Sponsor - $1,000.00

  • Logo displayed at hospitality locations and on hospitality carts.
  • Name listed on tournament website.

Hole Sponsor - $750.00

  • Name or logo displayed at one hole.

Playing Golf

Team Entry - $1,500.00

  • One Foursome – 18 holes of golf and tournament gift for each participating golfer.

Individual Entry - $375.00

  • One individual – 18 holes of golf and tournament gift.

Young Alumni Entry (graduated 2020-2024) - $200.00

  • One individual – 18 holes of golf and tournament gift.

Please email adjustments to Summer Hutcheson at s.hutcheson@wustl.edu.


$ 0

To pay by check, please mail your check to the address below and indicate "WashU Athletics Golf Scramble" on the memo line.
MSC 1202-414-3100
Washington University
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130