Over the past year, civic engagement has been more important than ever. Whether it’s creating cloth masks for healthcare workers, picking up trash in your neighborhood, writing a letter to senior citizens, or voting in local, state, and national elections, we all have the opportunity to make a difference in our community. WashU Engage is here to help support civic engagement and foster connections among alumni.
Join WashU Engage Chicago to learn more about their mission and hear directly from members of their planning committee who make this program a success and model for other cities across the US. Your ideas and experiences are also welcomed. Two breakout rooms with featured topics will be hosted for this purpose:
***Civic Engagement Seminars & Elections
***Community Service and the Environment
Upon registering, please let us know which breakout room you would like to join. Thank you for your civic commitment. Go Bears!
Chicago Leadership:
Chair: John Crosby, AB ’69
Committee Members: Candice Harden, BSBA ’12, Michael Harries, AB ’13, Tiffany Hill, AB ’19, Andrew McCune, AB ’86, Jocelyn Meraz, AB ’18, Carol Muskin, AB ’80, Andrew Nathan, AB ’14, Claire Pluard, AB ’12, Xopher Pollard, BFA ’05, Alina Sigmond, AB ’13, Jemal Swoboda, AB ’02, Greg Veza, AB ’99, JD ’03, and Sarah Wagener, AB ’12
About WashU Engage:
WashU Engage, in its fifth year, is an initiative co-led by the Gephardt Institute and the Washington University Alumni Association which aligns with the university’s commitment to supporting habits of lifelong learning and leadership for alumni. This series of civic and community engagement opportunities serves local communities and encourages alumni to engage in the cities where they live and work. In the first 5 years, 157 WashU Engage events have been held across 21 different cities and engaged almost 2,000 alumni, parents, and friends. Projects have addressed social issues ranging from food insecurity, disaster relief, and education and transformative justice. We are continually adding new opportunities.
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